Barack Obama won another election and this time won over a 'young' Mitt Romney.
Romney gave a push to try to become the new president but it isn't meant to be. Now Obama can pursue all the things he started and that was the focus of his campaign. I think at the end of the day most people didn't rust Mitt Romney and there were many global fears that America would become a closed nation that didn't care to work with their partners or neighbors.
Barack Obama had the worst situation given to him with George Bush destroying the economy but many people putting the blame on Obama. It appears to be a first time that the president that acquires an economy in recession usually doesn't get a second term but Obama had the best campaigners possible and that was enough to push them over the edge to capture a second term as President. Now what appears to be the last item in the way of having Obama getting anything done is the House vs the Senate.
In years to come political sciences will look at this marketing campaign by Obama and declare it the best ever done to date. He defied a lot of odds and kept a composure that Romney simply couldn't challenge.
In his victory speech made to his own campaign team it has been shown repeatedly on CNN which shows the human side of Obama as he cries and delivers yet another good speech. He was just thanking the team of his young campaign staffers and he wells up and gets a great ovation.
Now it is back to work for Obama as he prepares for yet another speech on Capitol Hill.