The hot item for 2011 is without a doubt the new Samsung Galaxy Tab which is the new tablet PC on the android.
If you want to see the video review and website that shows the Samsung Galaxy Tab in action click on the link. The differences between the Samsung tab and the Apple iPad are numerous but the one that stands out the most is the size. The Samsung Galaxy Tab is a 7 inch tablet whereas the iPad is a 10 inch tablet computer.
The Samsung tab has the edge from a technical specifications point of view. From an applications point of view the iPad is dominating but this should change in the next year as more developers switch to Android applications because of Apples monopoly over their own apps store. Developers are frustrated in dealing with Apple so developers have more freedom in the Android world.
So what are the other advantages of Android based tablets? The future looks brighter for Android and at the moment only Apple is the tablet where you can do only 1 application at a time.
Expect the competition to get fierce as the Blackberry Playbook looks to tackle the market. Also Windows mobile tablets will appear. Expect companies like Asus, MSI and Acer to produce cheaper tablet computers that are also higher performance.
The future of tablet computers is finally exciting.